i have two sets of keys. i keep my home/car keys in my right pocket. i keep my school keys in my left pocket. i keep my phone in my left pocket. if i'm carrying my ipod, i keep it in my right pocket. i keep my wallet in my back right pocket. i usually carry a pen in my back right pocket. i don't usually carry anything in my back left pocket. if i'm wearing a shirt with a breast pocket, i sometimes keep my pen there.
sometimes i back up into my parking space, sometimes i just pull in forward, it depends on how tired i am and what activities i'm looking forward to the next day.
when i get home i put my keys, wallet, glasses, watch and phone down on the little counter next to the door and i put my bag on the dining room chair. i say hi to my cat. i kick my shoes off. i keep three pairs of shoes, the most commonly used ones, in my living room at the base of the shelving where the TV is. those three pairs are my black sneakers, my black 'nice' shoes, and my flip-flops. sometimes when i wear other shoes i kick them there too, but i always eventually clear them back to the closet.
when i get to school i open the outside door and unlock it with a little allen wrench on my keychain. then i open the other outside door with the same allen wrench. then i open the classroom with the MKAB key, and the black box with the same key. then i open my office with the AC11 key. i prop my office door open with a little wooden frog doorstop from sam. i turn on two lamps, one by my desk and one in the corner, and turn on the computer. i put on some music. i usually have about an hour in my office and the vicinity before school starts. i check email, talk to students, check my mailbox in the main building, make a list of things to do for the day.
i like the little routines, the little consistencies in the midst of unpredictable life.
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