across the street from my apartments there is an old road which was destroyed by flooding years ago. the road has been closed for a long time, which has made it a good place to walk. yesterday i saw that the road has been changed into a greenway path, a sort of walking/jogging trail complete with mileage markers, paved roads and signs describing the wildlife of the area. it's very nice, and one no longer feels sketchy about walking there. though there are more people on the path, and therefore less privacy or sense of knowing about something no one else knows about, it seems safer and is actually quite beautiful.
i had set my iPod to shuffle on the beatles. when i reached a point in the path where i was ready to turn around, the music stopped. i looked at the screen and it appeared that the next song was about to start... but it never did. i tried several methods of revival, did everything short of giving it mouth-to-mouth, and now it shows me a big red X when i try to start it.
i am fully aware that we must not become attached to objects in this life, but music is different... isn't it? is it impossibly perverse that i gain so much pleasure from having my entire music collection in my pocket, so perverse that i must be struck down and tuneless due to a faulty piece of equipment?
never fear, i'm being histrionic on purpose. i am going to have to figure something out, though. i'm thinking i'll take it to the apple store tomorrow and see what they say.
in other news... i'm in another play. TRUE WEST opens this thursday. today's our tech day. things are going well enough, though i am at that predictable place of panic which always occurs several days before opening. if you live in san antonio, well, SEE it!