Thursday, May 25, 2006


last day of school today. sixth period. one exam. chairs. gum wrappers. abandoned folders. goodbyes. announcements. deadlines. meetings.
tomorrow night is our department banquet. tomorrow day all my grades have to be turned in. i'm pretty caught up with those, just have to enter today's after the exam.
i was talking to fran about it. i said i thought i'd feel more of a sense of closure. she said there's never any closure, it's like you're running on a treadmill, faster, faster, then it just stops. so, no real satisfaction. but when i think about the year i feel a sense of accomplishment. i know the things that worked and the things i need to do differently.
summer plans starting to get solidified.
i'm going to re-do my office.
kerrville folk festival with ET.
dallas national speech tournament.
finish certification.
direct ex-students in two plays.
drive mikki to austin in july.
hang out with pals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
