Thursday, March 27, 2008

a few events

what happened today?
i had trouble getting out of bed. feeling really exhausted.
had no time for breakfast or coffee, could be responsible for my fatigue in the middle of the day, before i had a chance to have lunch.
while i was at starbucks an elderly woman pulling out of the parking lot ran into a cop on a motorcycle. though he was down, he didn't seem seriously hurt. i was more concerned about the elderly woman, who seemed stunned as she stood over the cop with her hand outstretched.
in my theatre I class, an advanced tech student named Z, who was visiting, led an improvisation game which the class loved. Z had just hours before told me he was interested in teaching as a career, and seeing him with the students made me think he would be really good at this, if he decides to do it for a living.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.