Saturday, January 03, 2009

moved by moving

the move has gone well. there have been moments of tension, but overall the smoothness factor is not unimpressive. 
even though i have moved greater distances in my life, this feels like the biggest move i've ever made. one reason is, i've accumulated a lot more stuff these past 5 years. but i think the more significant reason is that i'm moving in with david. 
after writing that last statement i sat here looking around at the living room. there are still boxes everywhere. i can hear the new chimes ringing on the front porch (thanks fran). i'm sitting on the new couch we bought and freda is next to me. 
today we are going to my old apartment and we will clear it out completely. i have been going there the last three days and chipping away at the stuff remaining; now there's just part of the kitchen to transport, and two large shelving units that have already been emptied.

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