Friday, March 27, 2009

who can guess the three authors randomly sampled here?

"Say, did Varlamov pass by here yesterday or not?" robber off the balcony by uttering just two words: 'Hang him.' To been moonlike. Then snow began falling, slowly and vertically. They no sooner disappeared than the prankster Dymov, with the first was extremely tempting: to hurl himself at all these lamps some rocks, walked blue silhouettes with hoods and small lanterns. 
"Why illegitimate? Their father and mother were married did likewise. Scraping with his right hind paw, he dropped the knight recognized in all of life's phenomena, be it the smile of a bonbon in even borrowed a hundred roubles from him and still had not to wake him up. Seeing what condition Stepan Bogdanovich was in, circumstances under which they had been first apprehended in an indi-hall. "So I'll take care of that... Today I'll be seeing Pekar-that he was full. Then Pilate filled his own cup, and the guest did the exotic lepidoptera. Then, after the war, when he had managed again to the general's death, everything changed.

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