Monday, September 01, 2008


this week i got a great surprise-- i was asked to be the stieren guest artist at trinity university here in town. the stipulations of this residency are that i will teach 5-6 master classes, give a 45-minute public lecture, and act in a production of austin pendleton's play BOOTH with drama students at trinity. i am thrilled about this, for several reasons-- it gives me a chance to work with students on the university level; the part of junius booth in BOOTH will be challenging for me (now that i'm 40 i guess i can sort-of legitimately play a 50-something year-old); and my financial concerns will be assuaged for another blissful period of time. beyond all these particulars, this fellowship being offered means something in general for my life and my decisions that is very exciting, and which fran verbalized well in an email yesterday: "I think you drew all these things to you by embracing your desires-- how magical is that?"
today i noticed that someone named "rocketts" posted a comment on this blog. as i investigated, i discovered a newly-established blog called Box 104C which seems to chronicle in pictures the KITUS years at schoolhouse. 
being a man of the moment, i often live as if i had just been born, forgetting, for all intents and purposes, that i have led a rich, sumptuous, moist, creamy, chunky, volatile, teary-eyed, screamy, itchy, sexy, international existence. but seeing the blog Box 104C reawakened my memory of some wonderful moments in my life, reconnected me to them, thereby enriching my current moment of existence. thanks rocketts, much love to you. 


rocketts said...

mucho love back attack. too much and too long... and longgg...
and longgg. congratulations to you, grasshopper.

ETness said...

I agree with Fran. Beautiful magic!