Friday, January 05, 2007


i have a headache tonight. popped 3 ibuprofen. started feeling really ill about a week ago today and had a horrible weekend. not sure what it was... respiratory infection? bronchitis? missed my teacher workday on tuesday and first day back to school on wednesday. went to my doctor on weds and was disappointed and pissed that she didn't have time to see me, so i never found out what i had. got a flu shot, which fran said shouldn't have happened, since i was sick. made an appointment for my twice-yearly appointment and left. school yesterday and today was fine, though i had a lot of angst this morning upon waking up obsessed with my problematic second period. i've realized it's much more that I'M problematic; they're just being themselves. and so i get frustrated when i'm not able to let go, annoyed with my tendency to fret and EFFORTIZE. just let it go, release the fists into calm palms, fluff the aura, and move on.
i did fine today.

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